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Shut for a Month

Painting of Port Eynon and Horton from Salt House, Gower
Port Eynon and Horton from Salt House, Gower (A recent commission)


Just a quick notice to say that my shop on this website (,  and shops on and will be closed for a month from today. This is to cope with final packing, tidying up and a million and one things we have to do before leaving Wales as well as the period of self-isolation we have to undergo in Donegal (14 days, possibly less, depending on the results of our PCR tests after day 5).

It’s all exhausting and very nerve racking.

You can still buy my prints on or make an equiry about a commission

Wish us luck!


8 thoughts on “Shut for a Month

  1. Look forward to seeing you again when you have moved.

    1. Thank you, Leueen. I am looking forward to resting when we get there!

  2. Wishing you an easy move and wondrous painting.

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I still have far too much stuff!

  3. Just keep thinking how wonderful it will be when you get there! Wishing you all the best.

  4. always take some time out of the day for YOU Emma. You time is critical during stressful times.

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